Self Indulgence

Everyday life can come with stress , conflicts and deadlines. It's important to pause and renew your energy by enjoying the best things of life . Every now and then , you should let your hair down and surrender yourself to Pure pleasure. Good quality is refreshing and invigorating . Just like the luxury of fine, fresh and authentic chocolate products or hand-made pralines made by Pure Belge Créateur de Chocolat Artisanal .
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Crisp Sensation

€15.95 €15.15
( You Save: €0.80 )

Art nr:001002

Special Cranberry,Walnut and Chatine Sensation

€39.45 €37.48
( You Save: €1.97 )

Art nr:001026

Exclusive Truffles


Art nr:002002

Exclusive Selection


Art nr:002004

Original Truffel Sensation


Art nr:003001

Originally Belgian Sensation


Art nr:003002

Classic Collection


Art nr:004002

Classic White Delight


Art nr:004003

Lounge Selection


Art nr:005001

Lounge Collection


Art nr:005002

Lounge Truffles


Art nr:005003

Ballroom Champagne Truffles


Art nr:008001

Milk Chocolate Maxi Slab


Art nr:009001

Milk Hazelnut Maxi Slab


Art nr:009002

Milk French Walnut Maxi Slab


Art nr:009003

Milk Macadamian Maxi Slab


Art nr:009004

Extra Bitter 80 % Maxi Slab


Art nr:009005

Bittersweet Hazelnut Maxi Slab


Art nr:009006

Bittersweet Almond Maxi Slab


Art nr:009007

Bittersweet Pistachio Maxi Slab


Art nr:009008

Plain White Chocolate Maxi Slab


Art nr:009009

White Cranberry Maxi Slab


Art nr:009011

Assorted Dark Tall Slabs


Art nr:011002

Assorted White Tall Slabs


Art nr:011003

Assorted Milk Tall Slabs


Art nr:011004

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Results 1 - 30 of 30


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'Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits.'
Baron Justus von Liebig, German chemist (1803-1873)