Special happening

There are moments in life that should stay in your memory forever . Like a wedding , the arrival of a new baby , a company's major breakthrough... or the day your son or daughter graduates . Cherish these moments and make them memorable by sharing them with the people close to you. The refined luxury of the world's best chocolates will highlight the magic of these events .
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Exclusive Selection


Art nr:002004

Originally Belgian Sensation


Art nr:003002

Liqueur Classics


Art nr:004001

Classic Collection


Art nr:004002

Classic Selection


Art nr:004004

Lounge Selection


Art nr:005001

Lounge Collection


Art nr:005002

Lounge Truffles


Art nr:005003

Luxury Selection


Art nr:007001

Ballroom Champagne Truffles


Art nr:008001

Originally Belgian Filled Crate


Art nr:012003

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Results 1 - 12 of 12


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'Chocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted power...it is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits.'
Baron Justus von Liebig, German chemist (1803-1873)
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